
Friday, October 14, 2011

Maple Leaf Gardens Update

Last week, I made another trip downtown and ventured over to Church and Carlton.

There isn't too much to report, as most of the activity is taking place inside the building. However, I observed one striking addition.

As the above photos depict, the storefront windows have been fitted, resulting in the Gardens appearance taking on a whole new look. Although a portion of the wonderful brickwork has been removed, the glass provides a completely different look. These photos were shot along Church St. where a number of stores were located in the early 1930s.

These photographs show the workmen going about their duties. A constant flow of workers were coming and going during my time on the site.

All along, I kept thinking back to the spring and summer of 1931, when the building was first put up. In a mere five to six months, the project was completed. The scheduled opening for the Loblaws/Ryerson remodel is this fall. From what I have witnessed, this goal will not be accomplished.

Conn Smythe must be rolling over in his final resting spot!

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